LisaLav Designs is an innovative design and illustration company. I am independently owned and operated. My goal is to use design to grow, build and bring my client’s vision
to life.

My job starts with you and understanding your goals. I present options that make sense for you and your budget. I strive to develop solutions that work for your company’s benefit by creating eye-catching graphics to enhance your message and amplify your vision.

The art of bringing energy into a thought begins with an illustration. My job is to provide illustrations to bring your message, story, or book to life. I specialize in all forms of illustration to illuminate your imagination.

Work Together

Not sure where to begin or what it costs? I am always happy to discuss how we can work together and achieve your vision, while adhering to your budget and time frame.

Start today, by building your message
for tomorrow.

Get in Touch

LisaLav Designs
Naples FL | Sparta NJ | 862.268.0419

Send a Message

Copyright LisaLav Designs – All rights reserved